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SBIR / STTRFrequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the SBIR and the STTR programs?

Differences between SBIR and STTR programs include:

  • SBIR允许与非营利研究机构或大学等联邦研究实验室合作, and STTR requires it
  • 每个cq9传奇电子论坛的资金数额,其中SBIR代表了最重要的资金数额
  • Definitions of a principal investigator

There is no right or wrong program. 选择一个cq9传奇电子论坛是基于你公司的情况和需求的战略决策. 然而, 这两个cq9传奇电子论坛在资助水平和资格规则方面存在一些显著差异.

More agencies participate in the SBIR program than the STTR program. Thus, SBIR programs have more total funds available. 然而,有了STTR奖项,企业不需要雇用首席研究员. 因此, 如果需要,PI可以继续为大学或非营利研究机构工作.

What are the qualifications small businesses should meet to participate?

  • 获奖者必须符合SBA条例13c规定的小型企业关注(SBC)的资格.F.R §§  701-705. 
  • Be at least 51% owned, or have at least 51% of its voting stock owned, by US Citizen or lawfully admitted permanent.
  • For-profit located in the US

SBIR / STTR Program 资格 Guide

What are soliciations?

您必须对特定机构的资金征集做出回应,因为SBIR / STTRcq9传奇电子论坛不接受“未经请求的”提案(不涉及当前公开机构SBIR / STTR征集中指定主题的提案)。.


Solicitations are known by many names, including Request for Proposals (RFP), Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), or simply Solicitation. No matter what it's called, this document provides the rules and guidance on preparing a response, also called an application or a proposal. Solicitation documents include Proposal Preparation Instructions, Application and Submission guidance, and Evaluation criteria.

How would I benefit from the SBIR / STTR program?

More than $2 billion is available annually in SBIR / STTR awards. SBIR/ str资金是用非稀释资本创业的绝佳方式, so you are not giving up equity or assuming debt.


  • 赢得SBIR / STTR奖项通常有助于吸引后续融资和许可交易,因为它不断验证该技术可能具有商业价值
  • 贵公司保留对获得奖励的知识产权的权利
  • SBIR / STTR奖项使小型企业有资格与资助机构就已开发技术的单一来源合同进行非竞争性竞标
  • The program is designed to assist small businesses, with over 60% of the awardees of Phase I grants having less than 25 employees

What is the difference between a grant and a contract?

Funding agencies vary in providing grants or contracts as a funding mechanism. 赠款是一项协议,以进行你的研究,以换取资金奖励. 联邦政府以这种方式为公共利益的研究和创新提供资金.


Grant topics are generally initiated by the researcher applying for the grant, also known as the Principal Investigator in an academic setting. The granting agency does not wish to become your customer.


合同是授予合同的机构提供所需产品或服务的协议. 这方面的一个例子是国防部采购新的军事技术. In this instance, the military becomes your customer.


Who is the Principal Investigator?

首席研究员是负责监督研究的人. 通常, this individual has designed and overseen research efforts in the past, although if you have not done so, we can help you find ways to compensate.


The Principal Investigator, 或者π, 必须承诺领导该cq9传奇电子论坛,该cq9传奇电子论坛通常涉及在获奖时至少在小企业中从事部分工作. This does not preclude partial employment at a university or elsewhere, and in some instances, there are exceptions to this rule.

How long does it take to complete a SBIR / STTR Phase I proposal?

For first-time SBIR / STTR proposal writers, 建议在截止日期前至少八周开始第一阶段的提案工作. Successful proposals require a substantial amount of work. 提案作者应该在起草过程的每个阶段积极主动地征求有经验的审稿人的反馈.

What are the solicitation dates?

Solicitation close dates vary by agency, although an important consideration is that many occur only once per year. For additional information, please review the SBIR / STTR Solicitations.

Who reviews SBIR / STTR proposals?

Depending on the agency, SBIR / STTR proposals may undergo an internal review, 外部审查, or a review that incorporates both internal and external reviewers. With internal reviews, agency members review the SBIR proposal. External reviews involve a review by people outside the agency, such as university personnel or other experts in the field.


The Department of Defense, the Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Department of Transportation all use an internal review process. NASA uses both internal reviewers and at least two independent reviewers. The 国家卫生研究院 uses dual review systems comprised of an external peer review panel, 顾问团, and an internal review group. NSF uses ad hoc external review panels. 一个单独的审查小组审查美国农业部对每个主题领域的提案,特设审查小组随后审查提案.

How will I know if I meet the funding agency's requirements?

SBIR / STTR申请根据以下核心审查标准进行评估:

  • 技术水平
  • 团队的资格
  • 对机构的价值
  • Potential for Commercialization
  • 成本/成本的现实主义

根据这些评价标准,每个SBIR机构有不同的优先次序. 记住,收到特定机构的SBIR和STTR审查标准是必不可少的, 因此,请在各机构网站上查阅SBIRcq9传奇电子论坛信息,并联系各机构的SBIR / STTRcq9传奇电子论坛负责人. 请给SBIR / STTRcq9传奇电子论坛负责人足够的时间来回复您的请求,并注意截止日期.


Can I apply for Phase II without competing for Phase I?

是的, 国家卫生研究院, 国防部, 和美国能源部最近被授权向没有获得第一阶段合同的公司授予第二阶段合同. These three agencies are allowed but are not required to offer this provision. 在提交提案之前,您需要与cq9传奇电子论坛经理确认这一点.


提案可以根据多个机构的利益、优先事项和独特要求进行调整. (Since each agency has different needs and areas of emphasis, it is important to custom tailor each proposal to fit the agency.) View participating Federal Agencies here.


这些机构要求你在每个提案中披露你是否向其他机构提交了“类似或相关的想法”. 至关重要的是,不仅要披露提交给多个机构的多个提案可能有哪些相似之处,而且要披露如果提交给多个机构的提案之间存在实质性和本质差异,这些提案又有哪些不同之处. More than one agency wants to give you an award. 在这种情况下,只要经纪公司同意,就有可能接受多个奖项.


然而, if the proposals are duplicative, 有多家机构有兴趣给贵公司颁发SBIR / STTR奖, you can legally only accept one offer.

Can I submit the same proposal multiple times within the same agency?

这些机构在如何看待招标中一个主题的多个提案方面存在很大差异. 对于在不同的提案中提交相同的想法,他们可能有不同的规定, 以及一个想法是否可以在SBIR和STTR计划下提交审议. 在多次向同一机构提交您的提案之前,仔细阅读特定机构的招标指南是很重要的.

如果我已经获得创业投资,我是否有资格获得SBIR/ str资助, 对冲基金, or private equity investments?

是的,你可以. 然而, to be eligible for SBIR funding, 首席研究员在授予时必须主要受雇于该企业. There are nuances to this matter, 所以最好和你的CTC顾问讨论一下,并仔细阅读代理征求书.